Clearing disappointment

Nombre trente-quatre / # 34

Everything is working out for me. Being disappointed in someone or something is just me honing my desire and my path to reach what I truly want. Disappointment teaches me what feels good and what doesn’t - what I want and don’t want - what I need - don’t need and will not tolerate. Disappointment is not a derailment or a punishment - disappointment is a compass. Disappointment is God whispering in my ear : are you going to settle for this ? I want more for you and it exists someplace but not here . Keep moving and I will guide you to the right person place or thing. Don’t get stuck in the pain, irritation, or anger . You won’t reach the end of the rainbow. I’ve spent years being derailed about how people have treated me, trying and hoping for them to treat me better or constantly analyzing why - when I could have just been moving down my path to the right person, place, or thing. It’s really a stubbornness in a way - trying to make everything what you want it to be when there is a plan and you’re not accepting it. Whether you are programmed to do this by your childhood, abuse, shame, perfectionism - whatever it is : scarcity even. STOP. Trust that your path and what is truly meant for you - for your deepest fulfillment does exist and it’s just around the corner as soon as you let go of what you thought you wanted / needed. God/ the Universe knows what is best for you. Surrender into your true path, destiny and purpose. I promise you it will be better than what you were holding onto with rage and sadness. I promise you it will be better than what you had planned. Surrender in peace and love, dissolve all disappointment. God’s promise to you is greater. God’s plan for you will be tenfold of what you were clinging to in despair. God’s promise will blossom in you and evolve your soul into the greater version of you. God’s promises for you will heal your heart.



